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Discover the Secrets of the Subterranean Races with Rolemaster Underground Races Pdf Download


generations. In fact, they instinctivelydislike all of theunderground racesthat worship dark gods and revel incruelty anddestruction (Goblins,Trolls, and so on). They are alsosuspicious ofElves, a distrust thatprobably has to more to do withthestrangeness of Sylvan culturethan anything else.

Rolemaster Underground Races Pdf Download

  • Peoples (Pages 10-45) The Peoples chapter jumps us straight into our first true glimpses of both the system and setting. This chapter gives us the races and cultures that we can play in the game. Each racial write-up gives us the starting attributes for that race, an age chart, and a section for each social class with in that race that lists their common enemies/allies and the types of equipment they are allowed to take. The next few pages for each race describes the setting fluff for that race, and then we are given a list of racial skills we get, and may choose from a list of occupations for that race which give us some more skills to pick from. There are ten mostly unique races to pick from; each of the races offer up glimpses at what promises to be an excellent setting. The racial choices are:Bardur - The Bardur are a race based on a noble aristocracy ruling over the common workers. It is an old kingdom created by the Elves and Elnar in ancient times. This kingdom is known for having a myriad of traditions and cultures.

  • Dwarves - There are three very separate groups of dwarves. The sea dwarves in the west and the eastern dwarves are more secretive and reclusive; however, the Iron Dwarves have a long history of war and trade with the empire.

  • Elnar - The Elnar are humans who basically worship the elves, and therefore have received some of the power of the elven authority. They often see themselves as being better than other humans because of their closeness to the elves.

  • Elves - The elves are arrogant and racist and have built their empire upon the backs of men. All elves are raised understanding that they are superior to all other races, and are the rightful rulers of the world.

  • Heartlanders - Heartlanders are the melting pot of the human race. Often the only common trait between heartlanders is their diversity. The Heartlands cover such a large area that the blood that makes up the people of one area to another can be drastically different.

  • Maktiti - The Maktiti are a nomadic people who follow the seasons and herds of the heartlands. They are often seen with suspicious or fear by other peoples, and they have been just as likely to attack the empire as to trade with its people.

  • Orcs - Orcs live in a tribal society that has not dominated the territories around simply because of internal conflicts and a lack of keen wisdom. While a cunning race, greed often stunts their ability to remain a strong unified power.

  • Senshoul - The Senshoul are humans that have been bred into Orc society. They are known to be wise and spiritual beings, and can often be seen at the head of Orc tribes due to their intelligence, at least compared to Orcs.

  • Toth - Servants to the Bardur nobility, they are feared for their underground worship of the ancient Serpent Gods. They wait for the serpents return to power.

  • Vren - The large barbarians of the cold wilderness. They have recently attacked the empire to regain territory the empire conquered form them years ago. They follow a strict Viking-like society.

This chapter does a wonderful job of not just being the usual races section, but also conveying the setting. It is a perfect blend of racial write-ups with setting information and histories. On first read the system data for the peoples does not mean much yet as the rules have not yet been presented, but the next sections should have that covered. 2ff7e9595c


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